Underlying Islamic Mode Murabahah
Islamic Contract Murabahah
BRAND NAME Fadhili Tayyib product
Purpose for Financing Asset Financing

Business Financing (Working Capital needs) Logbook Financing

LPO Financing Import Financing Group Financing School fees medical


Target Sectors Manufacturing, Construction, Trade, Individuals, Agribusiness
Target Customers SME, Groups & Individuals
Product Type Financing Product
Pricing (Profit Rate) % Varies depending on the purpose for financing
Basis for Pricing Customer Risk Profile, Sector
Collateral Cash collateral, group guarantees, chattel mortgage, legal charge
Minimum Limit Ksh 3000/=
Maximum Limit Ksh 6,000,000/=
Minimum Tenure 1 month
Maximum Tenure 24 months
Financing Prohibitions (Prohibited Business Activities) Alcohol, Tobacco, Pork, Gambling, Entertainment (Adult Content)
Product Features/Attributes Quick Processing (TAT) – Within 24 hours Pricing – Profit Rate of 2.5% per month Facility Processing Fee -5 %of the cost price Facility


Up to 80% financing of the assets Flexible repayment period,1-60 months Flexible Tenure between 1-60 months Relationship Management

Asset financing of up to 8 years

Minimum grace period of 15 days after disbursement chattel fee of 2%

Requirements Should be registered member of Fadhili micro enterprises Application Form

Bank statement/Mpesa statements

/Acceptable Collateral/security KYC documents

Financial records

(To be added based on Financing needs)